About Us

Guiding The Young Generation To Success.

The children in our settling are valuable and part of the school community, they are encouraged to communicate, and their attempts at conversation are valued to ensure they receive an affirming experience, encouraging development, confidence, and security. Our teachers all act as role models within the setting and recognize that children lead by example and are constantly learning through observation. Common courtesy, mutual respect, and patience are demonstrated at all times throughout our settings.

Child Allocation

Your child is allocated a 'Key Person' within their classroom, who is responsible for their well being, ensuring your child feels, secure, and cherished while they are away from home. Your child’s Key Person will liaise with you at the end of each day through the online care diary, keeping you informed of your child’s experiences at school and ensuring you don’t have to miss out on any aspect of your child's day. Please download our parent's information flyer for more information.

Child Observation

Observations cover all areas of learning according to the framework, as well as records of special moments, like kindness towards others or eating something for the first time, and spontaneous moments, which capture your child’s response to certain activities or events as they happen. All of your child's experiences at nursery are recorded in their unique online Learning Journal, enabling you to look over your child’s time with us for years to come.

Happy Environment

Active Learning

Creative Lessons

Educational Play

We are a people on a mission

Our Vision

N-urturing a child’s sense of wonder and encourage them to think creatively and critically.

U-plifting a child’s spirit by creating a warm and loving environment through the positive relationships that foster a sense of belonging.

R-aise awareness of the world they live in.

T-each good values and morals.

U-nderstand and observe each child’s development and learning, assess progress and plan for next steps

R-espect, common courtesy and patience to be encouraged and demonstrated at all times throughout our setting

E-xplore their surroundings and the world around them, encouraging an inquisitive mind
About the Teachers

Our Teachers

We are only as good as our team and at The Nurturing Tree we are very blessed to have an amazing team working with us. We have very strict teacher to child ratio’s which meet the statutory frame work of the EYFS which ensures that each child received the appropriate attention and care that they need.


If you would like to register your child or arrange a site visit then please call us on +234 (0) 817 014 9579